
Audubon Metals

About Audubon Metals

Audubon Metals LLC is located in Henderson, Kentucky and began its operations in 1996 with an in-house heavy media sortation process and a single reverberatory furnace.  Since then the company has continued to expand its Kentucky operations and has added a second facility in Corsicana, Texas.

"Automotive shredder residue," from automotive shredders throughout North America, is the main raw product brought in to our facility.  We pride ourselves on being the only facility within the United States with a sortation and secondary smelter under one roof.  We produce aluminum alloy ingots and sows for the automotive industry.

Audubon Metals LLC is a subsidiary of Koch Enterprises Inc., headquartered in Evansville, Indiana. 

3055 Ohio Drive, Henderson, KY 42420
(270) 830-6622

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Electrician | 3055 Ohio Dr, Henderson, KY 42420


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